Why Mental Toughness should be on Every CEO’s Agenda

In this second interview on the Kinaxis blog, I go deeper in to why Mental Toughness is so important in our VUCA world, why it should be on the agenda of every CEO, and why supply chain and S&OP can lead this change! You can read the transcript here If you want to know more about Mental Toughness, you can visit my website MentalToughness.online Continue reading Why Mental Toughness should be on Every CEO’s Agenda

A Strong Mind

It is almost 9 years ago that I wrote one of my first blogs; The Behavioural Supply Chain. In the blog I argue that… “Supply chain, in its current form, is nearing the end of its life cycle of integration and optimisation. Even supported by the latest IT technology, the intended total network integration and optimisation is grinding to a halt.” and that… “The behavioural … Continue reading A Strong Mind

How Mental Toughness supports more effective S&OP

Mental Toughness is a personality trait which is emerging as the key to understanding how people respond to and perform under stress, pressure and challenge. Mental Toughness explains up to 25% in the variation of an individual’s performance.  It is also a significant factor in individual and team health and well-being. In my new e-book, I describe how to develop 15 characteristics of the Mentally … Continue reading How Mental Toughness supports more effective S&OP

14 ways to cope and build Mental Toughness

Mentally Tough individuals show resilience and automatically apply coping mechanisms to reduce or eliminate stressors. These coping mechanisms come natural to some, not to others, but the good news is they can be learned. Coping mechanisms are useful in the workplace when one has to perform and deal with stress. Workplace stress can be severe due to workplace changes, mergers and acquisitions, organizational changes, a … Continue reading 14 ways to cope and build Mental Toughness

Developing Mental Toughness in the Supply Chain

Mental Toughness is a personality trait which is emerging as the key to understanding how people respond to and perform under stress, pressure and challenge. Mental Toughness explains up to 25% in the variation of an individual’s performance.  It is also a significant factor in individual and team well-being. Mental Toughness is a personal trait that can be taught, but also an organizational capability, as I … Continue reading Developing Mental Toughness in the Supply Chain