Decision-Centric versus Traditional S&OP

Over the last couple of years, I have been mentioning Decision-Centric S&OP/IBP in my articles.

In 2021, I explored the efficacy between decision automation and augmentation for different decision horizons and proposed a new narrative for IBP that includes decision automation, capturing and learning, with IBP managers who are incentivised to improve decision quality. Other articles and blogs followed

Decision centricity supported by the digitization of decisions, is a no brainer next step in the evolution of S&OP/IBP. It is well overdue to get more value out of understanding decisions, and orchestrating the decision making process. In the end, S&OP was created as an executive decision making forum.

From my articles I collected differences between traditional and decision-centric S&OP and collaborated with Marcia Williams to create this infographic. Marcia is a master in creating infographics and engaging with her community on LinkedIn. She brings a great financial angle to S&OP/IBP and has written two supply chain books.

Thank you Marcia for this great collaboration

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